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 Explanations counting as submissions? WTF
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 09/30/2013 :  12:09:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi - dunno if this is in the correct 4UM slot, but here's a strange thing: Last night @ about 1AM fwfr time, I submitted 5 reviews. When I logged in, I could see that 5 had been deducted from my 50 weekly quota. BUT BUT BUT
Then I added some explanations to those 5 reviews, and now the counter sez I've used up TEN [10] !!! of my weekly quota.

That's never happened to me before. Anyone else?

benj --- WUZZUP?!!!

"Long mired in film"


Posted - 09/30/2013 :  16:16:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just added a review and then went back and added a comment. Only dropped one on the counter.
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/01/2013 :  12:29:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by lemmycaution

I just added a review and then went back and added a comment. Only dropped one on the counter.

Well, seems to be working today -- BUT I've still lost 5 and may I please have them back?


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benj clews 

United Kingdom

Posted - 10/01/2013 :  12:48:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Very weird, especially so as the code hasn't changed in some time.

I'll take a look tonight and get back to you.
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benj clews 

United Kingdom

Posted - 10/02/2013 :  10:50:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Okay, I can see those 5 reviews you submitted, but I also see 5 completely separate reviews that, although not *initially* submitted this week, were last submitted this week, meaning something changed about them sometime this week. One of those was shortly after the original 5 and the other 4 were around 11:25 on the 30th.

So I can figure out how we got to here and if something's truly wrong, can I ask if you made any changes or resubmitted any reviews or anything else that might tally with the above?
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/02/2013 :  12:03:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Okay, I can see those 5 reviews you submitted, but I also see 5 completely separate reviews that, although not *initially* submitted this week, were last submitted this week, meaning something changed about them sometime this week. One of those was shortly after the original 5 and the other 4 were around 11:25 on the 30th.

So I can figure out how we got to here and if something's truly wrong, can I ask if you made any changes or resubmitted any reviews or anything else that might tally with the above?

Well, the 1st five were declined the previous week, and so were already deducted from the previous week's submissions. Once the new week began [just after midnight], I took on board the decline comments and submitted 5 new reviews. Those were duly deducted from the new week's total, giving me 45 reviews remaining. Then I added an explanation to each, and at that point, I lost 5 more submission places. All I did was to add an explanation.

I did not re-submit the new five as 2nd passes, since they were different reviews - but for the same films. Does that make sense?

Edited by - BaftaBaby on 10/02/2013 12:05:06
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benj clews 

United Kingdom

Posted - 10/02/2013 :  16:57:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Well, the 1st five were declined the previous week, and so were already deducted from the previous week's submissions. Once the new week began [just after midnight], I took on board the decline comments and submitted 5 new reviews. Those were duly deducted from the new week's total, giving me 45 reviews remaining. Then I added an explanation to each, and at that point, I lost 5 more submission places. All I did was to add an explanation.

Can I just check you didn't add explanations to the declined reviews, rather than (or as well as) the new reviews, causing them to be resubbed?

The thing is: I'm not seeing *any* declined reviews for you right now. So those reviews from last week you say were declined and you didn't resubmit (if I read your reply correctly) have either since been approved or deleted!
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/02/2013 :  18:38:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Well, the 1st five were declined the previous week, and so were already deducted from the previous week's submissions. Once the new week began [just after midnight], I took on board the decline comments and submitted 5 new reviews. Those were duly deducted from the new week's total, giving me 45 reviews remaining. Then I added an explanation to each, and at that point, I lost 5 more submission places. All I did was to add an explanation.

Can I just check you didn't add explanations to the declined reviews, rather than (or as well as) the new reviews, causing them to be resubbed?

The thing is: I'm not seeing *any* declined reviews for you right now. So those reviews from last week you say were declined and you didn't resubmit (if I read your reply correctly) have either since been approved or deleted!

Well, if I get a decline I either [rarely] re-sub as a 2nd pass with explains. OR I delete the decline, and resub with completely NEW reviews.

What I can't understand, is why the five NEW subs went into my pending pile, and 5 little dots were deducted from my total. BUT THEN, when I revisited those reviews to leave explanations - suddenly 10 little dots were deducted. And, no, ALL I did was leave explains - no further subs.

Whatever - can I PLEASE have my 5 places back. PLEASE. TIA

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benj clews 

United Kingdom

Posted - 10/02/2013 :  18:53:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So are you saying you deleted the previous declined five reviews? Or do you now see them in your pending pile?

Sorry for dragging this out- obviously I can frig the data so you get those 5 spots back but unless I can track down what happened here exactly we could be doomed to having this conversation every week
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/02/2013 :  20:01:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

So are you saying you deleted the previous declined five reviews? Or do you now see them in your pending pile?

Sorry for dragging this out- obviously I can frig the data so you get those 5 spots back but unless I can track down what happened here exactly we could be doomed to having this conversation every week

1. 5 reviews were declined on a Sunday nite - before midnight.
2. I cried, and then I thought of 5 different reviews.
3. After midnight, I deleted the declined 5 from my declined section. They were now nowhere to be seen. Nowhere. Zilch-where.
4. I submitted 5 brand-new reviews for those 5 films.
5. They were posted in my pending pile. And the counter showed 5 deducted from my weekly quota. All good!
6. Then, I went back to each of the five - now in the pending pile - and added an explanation to each of them.
7. Then I noticed that 10 little dots were deducted from my weekly quota.
8. You owe me 5 dots!!! ;)

I'm not sure how much clearer I can make that, benj. I hope the above helps track down the glitch. TIA xx

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benj clews 

United Kingdom

Posted - 10/03/2013 :  10:57:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for that. Have added the five dots back.

Can I ask if you were using the 'new' fwfr or 'classic' fwfr?
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/03/2013 :  14:41:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Thanks for that. Have added the five dots back.

Can I ask if you were using the 'new' fwfr or 'classic' fwfr?

You are, as always, a TOTAL star!

I wuz using da new stuff.
[I only used to use classic when compiling multi-reviews for the now-extinct TA:MOU.]

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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/21/2013 :  12:37:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Uh-oh, benj, it's happening again!!

It's Monday, so I attacked a new bunch of 50 to submit. Started working my way down an accolade list, aim of submitting 10 today toward the weekly quota.

Submitted 6, then looked over my previous pending pile, and added an explanation to 4 of them. Suddenly, my quota dropped to 40.

I completed the rest of my 10 for the quota, plus another 1. So I should have had a quota count of 39.

But, it's not! It's now 37.

BTW, the when I add the explanations for subs from my pending pile, the date of submission changes from the original sub date to the current date. Could that be what's messing up the quota count?

Anyway - your help once again would be very much appreciated.
TIA from StillBaffledBabe!

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benj clews 

United Kingdom

Posted - 10/21/2013 :  12:52:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh BB... what are we going to do with you?

I was following what you did (submitted 6 new, added more detail to 4 pendings) and then you wrote "I completed the rest of my 10 for the quota"... at which point I'm not sure what you mean. Does that mean you submitted a further four new reviews?
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 10/21/2013 :  18:41:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by benj clews

Oh BB... what are we going to do with you?

I was following what you did (submitted 6 new, added more detail to 4 pendings) and then you wrote "I completed the rest of my 10 for the quota"... at which point I'm not sure what you mean. Does that mean you submitted a further four new reviews?

Yes, 4 new ones. I try to do 10 new each day for 5 days = 50 for the week. Would it help if I list each of these films?

TIA again.

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