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 January 0 Reviews (2024)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TitanPa Posted - 01/01/2024 : 14:51:02
Welcome to January! A new year. Awhile back I thought of this cool idea and decided to make it a monthly thing. I find 5 movies that have no reviews and we review them. At the end of the month we post our best reviews. I decided how to choose the movies. There will be 1 cartoon, 1 Old movie, at least 1 connected to an Accolade, 1 post-2000 movie and a random movie. No more themes, back to random movies. The movies are:

Molly Moo-Cow and Rip Van Winkle
Saving The American Wild Horse
New Year's Evil

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 01/29/2024 : 23:53:52
Molly Moo-Cow and Rip Van Winkle - Van Beuren/Van Winkle
Banjo - Boston snobs accept Banjo
Saving The American Wild Horse - Viggo, horse meet.
Promoted - Advertising film, nobody salutes.
New Year's Evil - Ball, victims drop simultaneously,
lemmycaution Posted - 01/25/2024 : 18:14:04
I will be in. Up to my ears with FWTO.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/25/2024 : 14:02:01
Molly Moo-Cow and Rip Van Winkle - Hammered beef delivers strikes.
Banjo - Banjo's tale plucks heartstrings.
Saving The American Wild Horse - Defense for horse mounted.
Promoted - Promoted: Degraded, unadvertised, dismissed.
New Year's Evil - Victims new year terminated.
TitanPa Posted - 01/25/2024 : 02:05:26
Molly Moo-Cow and Rip Van Winkle - Molly Moo-Cow is striking.
Banjo - Apathetic Aunt, Pat�s dog.
Saving The American Wild Horse - Come! Viggo save horses.
Promoted - Advertising firm, Marissa loose.
New Year's Evil - Killer New Year plans.
TitanPa Posted - 01/24/2024 : 02:03:07
It�s down to the last week of January before we start the month of February. Show us your review or best review for each movie. I'm now trying to compile a list for next month. I will also add where the movies can be viewed if available.
lemmycaution Posted - 01/22/2024 : 22:20:47
Originally posted by TitanPa

Question: Should I also write where to view these movies if they are available?
I watched the Molly Moo-Cow film on YouTube and posted a review. My review got denied because they only read the summary on IMDb and didn�t understand the review. I submitted again saying I saw the film on YouTube and that the review is valid. Plus it would help if others wanted to watch the film to review it

If you have the time and inclination, I would appreciate the information!
TitanPa Posted - 01/06/2024 : 00:19:00
Question: Should I also write where to view these movies if they are available?
I watched the Molly Moo-Cow film on YouTube and posted a review. My review got denied because they only read the summary on IMDb and didn�t understand the review. I submitted again saying I saw the film on YouTube and that the review is valid. Plus it would help if others wanted to watch the film to review it

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