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 FWPT #420 - Movies

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 08/23/2013 : 01:24:36
Four Word Porn Titles

Entrant Rules
  • No more than FOUR words.
  • Use inspiration from any source, but it must be related to the subject.
  • Winning FWPTs from previous rounds cannot be used again.
  • Only ONE entry per person (post alternatives after winner has been announced).
  • Entries are welcome from any FWFR members.
Voting Rules
  • Voting closes 9pm Wednesday FWFR-time (same timetable as FWTO and Avatar).
  • Send Se�n a PM with your votes, click here, then click "Send message".
  • Non-entrants may also vote, lurker votes are encouraged.
  • Entrants who do not vote have 3 points deducted from their total.
  • Voting is as follows, e.g., showing Tom as your first choice for 3 votes etc:-

  • 3 points Tom
    2 points Dick
    1 point Harry

    not upside down or it gets confusing.
Winner Rules
  • The winner of a round picks a new porn star for the next round.
  • The winner has 24 hours to start the next round, otherwise Se�n will start it.
  • If there is no winner 24 hours after close of voting with no fair way of getting a winner then Se�n will toss a coin or roll a die to pick a winner from the leaders.

Seeing as this is the last FWPT round (for now at least, perhaps for ever), we'll make it open season. Pornolise any movie title you find on fwfr, any actress or actor, or any famous movie line etc etc. Movies only (standard fwfr rules apply - no TV series etc). Now's the time to use those FWPTs you've been saving up.

Filling lucky punk. - Se�n
Spoogies. - TitanPA
Here's licking at you. - lemmycaution
Conan the Arse Destroyer. - bife
Ball Durham. - Wheelz
Cum: Lick it Hot! - ChocolateLady
I see spread people. - Cheese_Ed
The 69 Schtups. - Chris C
Around whore 80 ways. - Improper Username
Bum Lola, cum. - benj clews
Schtupping With an Enema. - wildheartlivie
Lee Diddles the Butler. - Larry
I Bet Kramer Rims. - demonic
The Black Labia. - thefoxboy
Rooster Cockburn. - Canklefetish
Pacific Rim Job. - Airbolt
I Fuck Huckabees. - Beanmimo
A Merry Cunt Beauty. - Salopian
This is Final Fap. - [matt]
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 09/01/2013 : 06:47:45
Well... Fuck me! Thanks everyone for the votes and the congrats. It was indeed my first win on my first ever entry... So, when are we playing again? ...oh right...

Cheerio FWPT.

Chris C Posted - 08/30/2013 : 17:46:16
Congrats to demonic.


FWPT goes down

TitanPa Posted - 08/30/2013 : 17:35:43
Congrats Demonic!!

So sad to see FWPT go. The end of an Era. I thought I might as well do a FWTO for FWPT from a pretty recent movie.

Fists is The End
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/30/2013 : 16:26:16
Thanks for the mammaries... er... memories.
[matt] Posted - 08/30/2013 : 12:15:46

Congratulations, demonic. I thought your entry would win as soon as I read it.

Farewell, FWPT. You'll be dearly missed. Cheers to Sean, the master(bater) of ceremonies.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/30/2013 : 05:48:51
Bravo FWPT (and, really, Sean) for all the fun and laughs over the years!

Gone but not forgotten. Hoping for a zombie FWPT to crawl out of the grave in the future.
Sean Posted - 08/29/2013 : 23:03:36
I'm feeling blue over the last of these blue movies �

This week: 19 entrants and 17 voters.

In third place, with 14 points (312233) ...

Some like it old and ...

Cum: Lick it Hot! - ChocolateLady !!

In second place, with 18 points (2333331) ...

The cheesiest puns never get old �

I see spread people. - Cheese_Ed !!

And in first place, with 22 points (33113232112) ...

Appropriately dirty for what's probably the last FWPT I'll be posting here ...

I Bet Kramer Rims. - demonic !!!

Congratulations demonic for your FIRST stand on the winning pervert's dais. That's your first ever entry, if I'm correct!

Time to get up here and give us a few words and take a bow.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.

Well, that's it folks. Thanks all for entering this round and going out with a bang instead of a whimper, and thanks to the regulars for keeping it fun over the years. All good things must come to an end, I guess.

If things change and some new blood comes into the site then there's always the option of a resurrection if there's the popular will for such a thing. Until then, I bow to you all and will see some of you in the FWTO and Avatar competitions.
Sean Posted - 08/29/2013 : 03:54:44
Still four voters to go, one is a re-vote, another one or two I expect to vote later. No hurry given we won't be getting the next round started.

So results may be later today, or tomorrow.
[matt] Posted - 08/28/2013 : 23:58:41

Shit, I thought this round was lasting two weeks.

Might as well stick one in, even though it has no chance of winning now.

To bid farewell to our beloved FWPT:

This is Final Fap.

Sean Posted - 08/28/2013 : 23:53:29
Originally posted by lemmycaution

I'm a porn again voter.

I definitely didn't get them. Please re-vote if you have a moment.
Wheelz Posted - 08/28/2013 : 23:40:35
Whoops, caught me napping, but I've voted now!
Chris C Posted - 08/28/2013 : 22:56:08
If anyone turns up looking for the result, a lurker vote here would be appreciated.

Sean Posted - 08/28/2013 : 22:45:06
I've PM'd every non-voter.
lemmycaution Posted - 08/28/2013 : 21:57:11
I'm a porn again voter.
Larry Posted - 08/28/2013 : 16:12:24

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