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T O P I C    R E V I E W
clay Posted - 12/15/2010 : 22:24:15
1) Think of a movie. 2) Write a haiku that describes that movie and no other, yet is unobvious and clever enough that it challenges the wits of people reading it. 3) If within 24 hours, someone correctly identifies the movie, congratulate her or him and let that person write the next one. 4) If no one has identified the movie within 24 hours, write another "haiklue" and see if someone gets it. If no one does, post the answer and write another.

See the topic "Sorry to see it go" for seven pages of example.

ChocolateLady won last, so she goes next if she wishes!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beanmimo Posted - 08/27/2012 : 17:57:22
Just over a year,
without a post here, uh-oh,
shall we breath new life?
Sludge Posted - 08/25/2011 : 21:04:45
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World?
Beanmimo Posted - 06/17/2011 : 17:47:49

Star Wars - A New Hope?
clay Posted - 01/19/2011 : 07:56:21
exes mark the spot
and a young man & his band's
virtual peril
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/18/2011 : 22:11:24
Originally posted by clay

Black Swan, with perfectionist Natalie Portman and barrer Barbara Hershey.

You give great entrechat, clayster ... and you WILL go to the ball

clay Posted - 01/18/2011 : 20:52:56
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by Larry

Yes, it's the generally maligned (although I liked it) Bonfire of the Vanities.

When you wake up, give us one BBabe.

Edit - I just realized my last line violates the Haiku standard. Please don't throw me out of the club!!

I can forgive you ... if you can forgive yourself.
Signed, SmartassBabe

Oh, yeah, a Haiklue --- easy peasy

She seeks perfection,
Soaring high over the corps.
Hershey bars the way.

Black Swan, with perfectionist Natalie Portman and barrer Barbara Hershey.

BaftaBaby Posted - 01/16/2011 : 10:18:43
Originally posted by Larry

Yes, it's the generally maligned (although I liked it) Bonfire of the Vanities.

When you wake up, give us one BBabe.

Edit - I just realized my last line violates the Haiku standard. Please don't throw me out of the club!!

I can forgive you ... if you can forgive yourself.
Signed, SmartassBabe

Oh, yeah, a Haiklue --- easy peasy

She seeks perfection,
Soaring high over the corps.
Hershey bars the way.

Larry Posted - 01/16/2011 : 01:44:30
Yes, it's the generally maligned (although I liked it) Bonfire of the Vanities.

When you wake up, give us one BBabe.

Edit - I just realized my last line violates the Haiku standard. Please don't throw me out of the club!!
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/16/2011 : 01:27:41
Originally posted by Larry

Where there's a Willis
there's a way but not this time.
Public: THanks but no thanks.

Bonfire of the Vanities?
(then again, I'm falling asleep - so will check back in the morning!)

Larry Posted - 01/16/2011 : 00:01:10
Where there's a Willis
there's a way but not this time.
Public: THanks but no thanks.

Edit - Last line should be -- Public: THanks, no thanks.
clay Posted - 01/13/2011 : 05:14:59
btw, sorry i didn't get back here earlier--computer problems. :o(
clay Posted - 01/13/2011 : 05:13:52
Originally posted by Larry

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by clay

You betcha, my friend.
Here's a really easy one:
Two-eye meets One-eye.

Gosh, that could be several.
Kill Bill?
Kill another Bill?
The Cyclops?
One-Eyed Jacks?
Escape from NY?


Houston, we need a haiklue and we need it now!

Or, of course, True Grit original or True Grit remake.

Of course! Either one is acceptable if you say True Grit--the stories were both based on the novel.
Larry Posted - 01/09/2011 : 23:37:12
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by clay

You betcha, my friend.
Here's a really easy one:
Two-eye meets One-eye.

Gosh, that could be several.
Kill Bill?
Kill another Bill?
The Cyclops?
One-Eyed Jacks?
Escape from NY?


Houston, we need a haiklue and we need it now!

Or, of course, True Grit original or True Grit remake.
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/09/2011 : 19:23:15
Originally posted by clay

You betcha, my friend.
Here's a really easy one:
Two-eye meets One-eye.

Gosh, that could be several.
Kill Bill?
Kill another Bill?
The Cyclops?
One-Eyed Jacks?
Escape from NY?


Houston, we need a haiklue and we need it now!

clay Posted - 01/05/2011 : 20:24:49
Originally posted by Larry

This seems to have stalled.
Shall we get it going soon?
I thought it was fun.

You betcha, my friend.
Here's a really easy one:
Two-eye meets One-eye.

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