Mary Poppins (1964) |
143 reviews |
Film rated 3.9 / 5
(Chick rating: 4.1 / 5)
(Guy rating: 4 / 5)
Van Dyke's pseudo-cockney-unrealistic-especially-atrocious accent. |
Diabetics: avoid this nanny. |
Something about Mary (Poppins). |
Poppins, penguins, perfection, puke. |
Nanny Andrews drops acid. |
Andrews' inspiring run-on sentence. |
Take insulin before viewing. |
Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious childminder enunciates incomprehensibilities. |
Laughter contest: Ed Wynns. |
Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious nonsense word coined. |
There's Some-Sing About Mary. |
Sadness brings family down. |
Siblings sing sesquipedalian song. |
Carpetbags full of surprises. |
Dyke experiments with cockney. |
Dyke performs for pre-teens. |
Dick's dire dialect detracts. |
Supercalifragilistic-expialidocious. Not. |
Nanny's umbrella becomes parachute. |
Nanny Poppins: sickly sweet. |
Musical nanny blown away. |
Sugar, more than spoonful. |
Laughing git defies gravity. |
Spoonfull? Truckload of sugar! |
Tuppence causes bank collapse. |
Nifty nanny liberates children. |
Andrews answers airborne advert. |
Dyke dances with penguins. |
Supercalifragilistic-expialidociously sweet and sickly. |
Bag = Tardis, Umbrella = Helicopter? |
Measuring tape includes commentary. |
Mother sings for suffrage. |
Nanny, kids get soot-faced. |
Dyke performs smutty acts. |
Andrews has bottomless bag. |
Magic nanny affects everyone. |
(VanDyke) my niche = chimney. |
Nanny uses portable parachute. |
Nanny sings songs repeatedly. |
It's raining singing nannies. |
Van Dyke - Accent Murderer. |
Practically Perfect Fraulein Maria. |
Andrews dances with penguins. |
Dick massacres Cockney accent. |
There's Penguins about Mary. |
Film dangerous to diabetics. |
New nanny practically perfect. |
Julie does umbrella flying. |
Classic Disney; dream nanny. |
Uncle gets everyone high. |
Flying lady with umbrella. |
Nanny slides up bannister! |
Cockney chimney sweeps dance. |
Chimney sweeps' rooftop frolic. |
Poppins, toppins, kites, flight. |
Sugary sweet Disney dish. |
Over-underweared nanny flies. |
Mary 'cool nanny' Poppins. |
Sugar assists pharmaceutical digestion. |
Dick admires Mary's chimney. |
Umbrella holds levitation device. |
Sickeningly sweet chimney sweep. |
Poppins practically perfect |
It's supercalafradgealistic-expialadocious! |
Dyke makes unconvincing cockney. |
Nanny taints kids' medicine. |
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