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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TitanPa Posted - 11/13/2022 : 01:07:02
Been recently thinking about OG Fwiffers after hearing about wildheartlivie. I saw the Tori recently post a review after a 2 year hiatus. If you�re an OG that went missing or know of any Fwiffers that went missing and know what they are up to, let us in the know. I am aware of some on Facebook, but not all. We all were once a tight knit family/community. We�d like to know what they been up to.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tori Posted - 01/25/2024 : 22:35:33
Originally posted by GHcool

Hey everyone. Nice to see your names and read some of your posts after a long hiatus.

I've been pretty open with my life on Facebook, so those of you who are friends with me there can check out what I've been up to. Since the last time I posted, I had two kids, edited a couple of animated television series, bought a house, and survived a worldwide pandemic. At the moment, I'm out of work and hoping to find a new job.

MguyX Posted - 01/19/2024 : 06:57:36
Originally posted by GHcool

Hey everyone. Nice to see your names and read some of your posts after a long hiatus.

I've been pretty open with my life on Facebook, so those of you who are friends with me there can check out what I've been up to. Since the last time I posted, I had two kids, edited a couple of animated television series, bought a house, and survived a worldwide pandemic. At the moment, I'm out of work and hoping to find a new job.

Pandemic? What pandemic???
GHcool Posted - 01/19/2024 : 05:06:48
Hey everyone. Nice to see your names and read some of your posts after a long hiatus.

I've been pretty open with my life on Facebook, so those of you who are friends with me there can check out what I've been up to. Since the last time I posted, I had two kids, edited a couple of animated television series, bought a house, and survived a worldwide pandemic. At the moment, I'm out of work and hoping to find a new job.

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