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 Punctuation changes after submitting a review.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
knockmesilly Posted - 12/18/2018 : 06:10:01
Hello all,

After submitting a review, apostrophes and quotation marks within the review change into new characters. For example, That�s becomes That’s. Editing doesn�t correct the issue.

Any suggestions as to why & how to fix? Thank you.


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TitanPa Posted - 03/08/2020 : 22:55:04
Originally posted by MguyX

The problem is that many fonts have specially coded characters for punctuation. When using an apostrophe, you have to be sure to use the plain one and not the specially-coded ones.

"How do I do that?" you ask?

Well, if you are on a mobile phone, for example, linger on the apostrophe and you should get an option menu or several different apostrophe types; choose the plainest, most vertical one.

If you are on a desk/laptop, you need to find the plain apostrophe somewhere and copy/paste it or type it in as an ALT code (Alt-44), for Windows-based computers. I've found that Apple computers default to the plain apostrophe.

Omg. Lol. That helped! Thanx!
MguyX Posted - 03/08/2020 : 07:56:44
The problem is that many fonts have specially coded characters for punctuation. When using an apostrophe, you have to be sure to use the plain one and not the specially-coded ones.

"How do I do that?" you ask?

Well, if you are on a mobile phone, for example, linger on the apostrophe and you should get an option menu or several different apostrophe types; choose the plainest, most vertical one.

If you are on a desk/laptop, you need to find the plain apostrophe somewhere and copy/paste it or type it in as an ALT code (Alt-44), for Windows-based computers. I've found that Apple computers default to the plain apostrophe.

TitanPa Posted - 03/06/2020 : 13:45:42
It�s still happening. Tried to do without the apostrophe, but no one corrected it when approved. I�ve tried to correct the error after submitting but it still doesn�t help. I try not to submit reviews anymore with apostrophes.
knockmesilly Posted - 12/18/2018 : 18:21:38
Thank you kindly, sir, Wishing you & all Fwiffers a Happy Holiday!

benj clews Posted - 12/18/2018 : 10:35:08
That�ll be something in my code messing up the encoding or decoding of special characters. I�ll see if I can fix this over Christmas but in the meantime I usually fix these manually when processing reviews regardless.

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