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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyX Posted - 03/27/2013 : 19:23:01
benj, oh benj, please help me to understand a feature that has me puzzled. On certain reviews, a blue award ribbon appears, and a mouse-over reveals that the ribbon represents "Top Voted This Week;" however, the number inside the ribbon does not correspond with either the number of votes the film received in the recent seven days or with the total number of votes the film received overall. Indeed, some of my reviews still bear the ribbon though they have not been voted on in months/years/decades.

So, pray tell, what does the number stand for in the blue ribbon? Just curious.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 03/30/2013 : 05:15:12
I think it works well, no need to clutter up the ribbons, they look swish. Would there be space in the pop up hover-box though if you wanted to implement it - or is that what you meant about space?

Out of interest, do the ribbons update? I'm assuming it doesn't affect the statistics regardless of the ribbon on the review - for example my stat for reviews in Top 500 is 4 but about 25 of my top voted reviews have red ribbons attached. Similarly I have green ribbons for reviews that are no longer top rated for that film.
benj clews Posted - 03/28/2013 : 14:39:49
Yep, like the other folks said before me- it's rank. I'd add a st/nd/th after but there isn't the space in the current layout
demonic Posted - 03/28/2013 : 02:28:53
Originally posted by Sean

Originally posted by MguyX

So, pray tell, what does the number stand for in the blue ribbon? Just curious.

Could it be ranking? I.e, if the blue ribbon contains "11" (as it does now) then it's the 11th-most-voted for the week? Hence the number goes down as it gets more votes. So it's the equivalent of the red ribbon, just for the week rather than for all-time.

Yes, the number in the blue ribbon is the ranking for the "most votes for the week". Currently Larry's "Mouse Heaven" is the most voted for the week with 8 votes.

Originally posted by BaftaBabe

From what I can gather -
Red=all-time top reviews for any particular film, starting with 1 [which you hold for KvsK]
Yellow = actual number of votes received for any particular film [e.g. KvsK has 265 votes]

Blue= countdown for most-voted review of the week [tie votes arranged alphabetically by film title]
Yellow = actual number of votes received for any particular film. [e.g. this week Larry takes top spot with blue #1, getting 8 votes for Mouse Heaven; plus he also ties with himself for 2nd place - #2&3 with 7 votes each for Mom At Sixteen and Murder in the Fleet.]
Green=I'm really not sure ...

Hope that helps a little bit

Of course the Yellow star denotes the number of votes accrued, the Yellow ribbon marks it as that user's overall top voted review - usually they are hard to see with frequent fwiffers as they are hidden behind either a red or a green ribbon.

And the Green ribbon is for a top voted review for that film. These ribbons don't seem to automatically update, so it's not uncommon to see multiple green ribbons for one film where another review has taken the lead, similar for red ribbons I believe where a previous Top 500 review has been bumped out.
Sean Posted - 03/28/2013 : 01:47:41
Originally posted by MguyX

So, pray tell, what does the number stand for in the blue ribbon? Just curious.

Could it be ranking? I.e, if the blue ribbon contains "11" (as it does now) then it's the 11th-most-voted for the week? Hence the number goes down as it gets more votes. So it's the equivalent of the red ribbon, just for the week rather than for all-time.
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/27/2013 : 22:58:47
Originally posted by MguyX

For example, look at Whippersnapper's clever review for Buster and his Goat (1914) [readers: if you have not voted for it, please take this opportunity]. Eight votes (as of this writing), but the number 31 appears in the blue ribbon.

Curiouser and curiouser ...

From what I can gather -
Red=all-time top reviews for any particular film, starting with 1 [which you hold for KvsK]
Yellow = actual number of votes received for any particular film [e.g. KvsK has 265 votes]

Blue= countdown for most-voted review of the week [tie votes arranged alphabetically by film title]
Yellow = actual number of votes received for any particular film. [e.g. this week Larry takes top spot with blue #1, getting 8 votes for Mouse Heaven; plus he also ties with himself for 2nd place - #2&3 with 7 votes each for Mom At Sixteen and Murder in the Fleet.]
Green=I'm really not sure ...

Hope that helps a little bit

MguyX Posted - 03/27/2013 : 19:28:50
For example, look at Whippersnapper's clever review for Buster and his Goat (1914) [readers: if you have not voted for it, please take this opportunity]. Eight votes (as of this writing), but the number 31 appears in the blue ribbon.

Curiouser and curiouser ...

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