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GHcool Posted - 01/14/2013 : 23:08:58
Are there plans in the works to make an iPhone/iPad app for FWFR? It seems like a natural extension to the site. I'm sure this was discussed before (though I can't find it in either Google or the Fourum search engine).
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 01/18/2013 : 21:25:57
I would pay actual money for an iOS FWFR app, or any way to use the site on a whim via mobile as Cool and Sean are suggesting.

I submit, Sean, that despite worldwide numbers [which, lets face it, do include China Mobile's godzillion users, who can't legally use iPhones at present], benj could still probably catch more fwfr-centric fish right now with iOS than with Android. But that's only theoretical. Just make fwfr hip-shootin' available for mobile By Any Means Necessary, and I'd be so happy I'd even kick in to help subsidize any out-of-pocket development charges! And you can quote me* when benj requests the cheque!

*I said, "help subsidize."
GHcool Posted - 01/17/2013 : 02:24:43
Originally posted by AC

Failing an app, what about a mobile version of the site that displays on mobile devices? Would use that for sure. I would also happily use a FWFR app - after ten years on the site, I'd even pay for it!

I second that.
demonic Posted - 01/16/2013 : 05:40:52
Thing is I access FWFR pretty much every day, either on my Smartphone or my Tablet, just by accessing the website on the built in web-browsers. I must admit on my phone I only use the old website as the graphic heavy design of the new site just takes up too much memory and takes too long to load on a 3G connection. No problems on my tablet though, which I guess is designed for web browsing and is much faster. I think a streamlined graphic version of the site would be good for both, as an option - many websites seem to have alternate mobile versions these days. As for a specific app? Not sure I'd use it personally.
AC Posted - 01/15/2013 : 20:16:50
Failing an app, what about a mobile version of the site that displays on mobile devices? Would use that for sure. I would also happily use a FWFR app - after ten years on the site, I'd even pay for it!
Sean Posted - 01/15/2013 : 07:30:28
The only problem with iPhones is they're made by Apple.

Useful comment #357:- I don't have a smartphone, but if I was making the site smartphone-friendly I'd probably start with Android. Logic suggests that platform will outlast Apple's version, mainly as it's free.

GHcool's suggestion makes sense, i.e., write/vote and not worry too much about stuff like accolade-updating etc.
GHcool Posted - 01/15/2013 : 05:48:36
The only smart thing I own is an iPhone. The only functionality I'd expect out of an app is would be to vote on and write reviews.

My ideal situation would be: I just come out of the cinema and think of a great review, so I take out my iPhone and submit it.
benj clews Posted - 01/15/2013 : 01:14:51
I don't think it's been discussed before but I've considered it a few times, even going so far as to develop some test apps of my own just to get a feel for iPhone development.

My only real concern is how many people here have iPhones and would want to make use of it (although obviously it'd be great advertising for the site to be there in the App Store) and therefore if it would justify the effort. Certainly, I'd like to if only for the challenge alone but I worry that once there's an iPhone app, people ask where the Android version is (which I haven't yet tried developing in), then the iPad app and the whole thing becomes a substantial ongoing development.

Still, I'd be curious to hear who'd would be interested in such a thing, on which platforms and, given the scope of features already on the web site, which functions would be highest priority initially.

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