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T O P I C    R E V I E W
demonic Posted - 03/09/2012 : 15:39:06
I've got a movie related question to posit on behalf of a screenwriting friend:

Can you think of films where a man professes his love for a woman in a public place or her place of work at the denouement...

There must be loads. The Graduate, goes without saying.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beanmimo Posted - 08/15/2012 : 01:05:54

Nearly anything with Adam Sandler,

I'm late, the film has already been made hasn't it?
demonic Posted - 08/09/2012 : 22:56:01
There's no fault with a kindness offered.
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/09/2012 : 08:42:46
Originally posted by Stalean

Originally posted by demonic

This is kind of you folks, thanks for your contributions, I'm pretty sure this screenplay is done and dusted now - he asked me for ideas back in March.

Sorry, I didn't even look at the date on your post--I was just going by BaftaBabe's post.

Yep! It's all my fault!!

ChocolateLady Posted - 08/09/2012 : 07:21:30
Originally posted by Stalean

Originally posted by demonic

This is kind of you folks, thanks for your contributions, I'm pretty sure this screenplay is done and dusted now - he asked me for ideas back in March.

Sorry, I didn't even look at the date on your post--I was just going by BaftaBabe's post.

And of course, I, like others, followed suit.
Stalean Posted - 08/09/2012 : 03:03:00
Originally posted by demonic

This is kind of you folks, thanks for your contributions, I'm pretty sure this screenplay is done and dusted now - he asked me for ideas back in March.

Sorry, I didn't even look at the date on your post--I was just going by BaftaBabe's post.
demonic Posted - 08/09/2012 : 02:23:56
This is kind of you folks, thanks for your contributions, I'm pretty sure this screenplay is done and dusted now - he asked me for ideas back in March.
Stalean Posted - 08/08/2012 : 21:15:42
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

The closing scene of "The Philadelphia Story" is pretty public, even though it is the woman who says it to the public - it is the man telling her what to say.

Picture Perfect woman (Jennifer Aniston) professes love for the man (Jay Mohr) at a wedding he is videographing.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/08/2012 : 09:36:27
The closing scene of "The Philadelphia Story" is pretty public, even though it is the woman who says it to the public - it is the man telling her what to say.

There's also the scene in "Meet Me in St. Louis" when Warren proposes to Rose while everyone is at the dinner table. Not sure if that's public enough for you.

TitanPa Posted - 08/06/2012 : 04:46:13
10 Things I hate about you
Stalean Posted - 08/06/2012 : 00:25:00
If I understand your meaning of "professes love in a public place or her place of work...

An Officer and a Gentleman
Some Like It Hot, one public, one not--heh, heh
Ball of Fire, Gary Cooper & Barbara Stanwyck
Pretty Woman, he comes up an outside fire escape, anyway
It Happened One Night, Clark Gable & Claudette Colbert
The Wedding Singer

kolo says Working Girl, I don't remember

We'll keep thinking...

Valentine's Day
BaftaBaby Posted - 08/05/2012 : 18:17:10
Last office scene of The Proposal

benj clews Posted - 03/09/2012 : 15:44:05
Anything Richard Curtis...

Notting Hill
Four Weddings
Love Actually

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