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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tori Posted - 01/21/2012 : 04:06:59
I think it may have been Alfred Hitchcock but when this movie was shown, people were not allowed in and out of the theater. It was a gimmick but also to protect the plot...I read it somewhere and have now forgotten which movie.


4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 01/22/2012 : 17:01:25
It was definitely PSYCHO.

Don't read any farther if you haven't seen the movie and want to preserve a major surprise.

Hitch was initially concerned that people would be confused because the star, Janet Leigh, doesn't survive the halfway point. Then he realized it was a showman's dream [his own money was at risk].

So he decided to ban entry after the picture had begun. Filmgoers, who were used to just marching in at any time and sticking around until they caught up on the next showing (a now-forgotten but then-popular expression, used elsewhere in life, was, "this is where I came in!") were forced to stand outside in a line. Exhibitors were mad at first over having to turn away business, but the lines quickly made the picture look like a hit, and that became a self-fulfilling prophecy -- soon you had to wait outside bercause the theater was FULL! A masterwork by P. T. Hitchcock.

Turn to page 441 in this book for more, written by yours truly.
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/22/2012 : 14:41:01
Sounds a bit like what happens when you go to see The Mousetrap - but that is about a play, not a movie. Audiences are told that part of their agreement upon purchasing a ticket is to never reveal the ending.

(And because of this, and apparent audience compliance, this is still the longest running play ever.)

BaftaBaby Posted - 01/21/2012 : 08:48:44
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Psycho, I believe.

William Castle did similar gimmicks in the early 60s.

... and no one sued for kidnapping!

lemmycaution Posted - 01/21/2012 : 05:25:26
Psycho, I believe.

William Castle did similar gimmicks in the early 60s.

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