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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chris C Posted - 09/05/2010 : 21:44:39
Many thanks to Cheese_Ed for putting a slot in the avatar competition gallery for the confourance photos. You can find them here.

If you went, and you have photos, can you either upload them to here, or leave a link to where they can be seen.

If anyone wants full-size hi-res versions of the pics, PM me and I'll email them to you.
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sean Posted - 09/09/2010 : 04:05:52
I added a few of those pics to the fwfr Facebook group. Feel free to add more, tag and untag etc.
Chris C Posted - 09/07/2010 : 22:50:43
Originally posted by E.L.F

I couldn't upload photos at the avatar site so I've sent them to Chris

Thanks to everyone who made it such a fabulous day, and evening!
With love and best wishes,

Stevie (ELF) xxx

Pictures now posted, but I mixed up the captions. Oops, sorry, but I'm sure you can work out who's who.
TitanPa Posted - 09/07/2010 : 19:46:58
Looks like a great time was had by all. Sorry I missed it. Looking forward to the next one.
E.L.F Posted - 09/07/2010 : 19:27:58
I couldn't upload photos at the avatar site so I've sent them to Chris

Thanks to everyone who made it such a fabulous day, and evening!
With love and best wishes,

Stevie (ELF) xxx
MguyX Posted - 09/07/2010 : 17:00:09
Great photos!!!

Man, that brings a huge smile to my face. I'm so damned proud of we all.
Sean Posted - 09/06/2010 : 23:30:47
Cool! Wish I was there.

So can we have a full report from someone? What did you do for the full 10 hours?
Chris C Posted - 09/06/2010 : 19:59:02
Originally posted by benj clews

Oh... and this also has to count as the weirdest book signing ever. As I understand it, usually everyone present doesn't end up signing everyone else's books.

Benj wrote "To my favourite reviewer" in my book. Then he went and wrote the same thing in every other book.
randall Posted - 09/06/2010 : 17:28:20
Tremendous photos, Whippy! I'm (1) jealous as all get-out; and (2) happy that so many fwiffers could get together for this great occasion. Cheers!
benj clews Posted - 09/06/2010 : 15:43:31
Nice- some good pics there. Still doesn't quite convey the meetathon in it's full 10 hour splendour however. Damn fine day (and night) all the same- Lisa and I enjoyed it immensely. It's also officially the largest confourence to date. Next time we'll have to hire the whole National Film Theatre

Oh... and this also has to count as the weirdest book signing ever. As I understand it, usually everyone present doesn't end up signing everyone else's books.

Will be tucking into the cake tonight (shame I didn't think to distribute it at the pizza joint) and let you know how it goes
bife Posted - 09/06/2010 : 14:24:34
well bugger, there are very few times i miss being 'home', but now is one of them! Looked like fun.
BiggerBoat Posted - 09/06/2010 : 13:17:45
Whipper's pictures. Some damn professional looking shots in there.

Tried any of that cake yet Benj?

ChocolateLady Posted - 09/06/2010 : 06:46:51
Looks like fun.

(And a chocolate cake - how thoughtful - you all were thinking of me!)
lemmycaution Posted - 09/05/2010 : 22:28:13
Would have been great to be there. Hope all the ale generated some great reviews.
randall Posted - 09/05/2010 : 21:59:34
Oh, man, I wish I'd been there! Such a fine turnout!

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