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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Yukon Posted - 09/27/2008 : 19:36:01
At first Benj and I were keeping our plans quiet but we've decided to open it up to the FWFR community.
Benji and I are putting together a FWFR book and I'm currently writing a book proposal to be sent to publishers. It will be a collection of 2,000 reviews.

Let's start off by saying don't get too excited.
It's still a longshot that this will be picked up by Random House, DoubleDay, etc...
I've been reading books on how to get published and it says most publishers get 1,000 proposals a year and they produce 30 to 50 books. And it can take two or three years before anything happens.

But basically after years of Benj being told "You should make this a book", the two of us are making a serious effort to do it.

So if anyone out there in the FWFR community has a cousin, next door neighbour or friend in the publishing industry or who is a book agent, show them this website and let them know a novel is in the works and they can contact Benj if interested.

In the meantime, Benj and I would like ask everyone for their help in coming up with a title.
Here's a few we brainstormed. Look at the titles and read them in the mindset of somebody in a bookstore aisle who has never heard of Would this title get your attention and make you pick up the book?
Feel free to tell us which one you think is the worst/best. And if you can think of anything better, please suggest your own title.

1) Four Word Film Reviews: Amusing movie summaries and critiques, all in four words or less
2) Four Word Film Reviews: Movie critiques and summaries that are short on words but big on laughs
3) Four Word Film Reviews: The world's quickest and funniest movie guide
4) Four Word Film Reviews: The hilarious absolute nadir of movie criticism
5) Four Word Film Reviews: Amusingly pithy summaries of all your favourite movies
6) Four Word Film Reviews: Hundreds of your favourite movies as they should have been pitched
7) Four Word Film Reviews: Funny, smart and semi-tasteless movie critiques all in four words or less
8) Four Word Film Reviews: The ultimate movie guide for people with short attention spans
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tori Posted - 02/24/2012 : 09:26:41
Originally posted by Chris C

Originally posted by Tori

I just got the book- how do I know which ones are mine? :D

There was a link in the second-last post on this page but it seems to have disappeared. Being the saddo that I am, I downloaded and saved the file. You have 14 reviews: 3 in Action, 3 in Drama, 2 in Horror, 1 in Classics, 2 in Animation, 1 in Silent and 2 in Guess.

Beyond that, I think you might have to work it out for yourself.


Chris C Posted - 11/23/2011 : 23:33:11
Originally posted by Tori

I just got the book- how do I know which ones are mine? :D

There was a link in the second-last post on this page but it seems to have disappeared. Being the saddo that I am, I downloaded and saved the file. You have 14 reviews: 3 in Action, 3 in Drama, 2 in Horror, 1 in Classics, 2 in Animation, 1 in Silent and 2 in Guess.

Beyond that, I think you might have to work it out for yourself.
Tori Posted - 11/23/2011 : 19:25:51
I just got the book- how do I know which ones are mine? :D

Salopian Posted - 01/11/2011 : 21:01:55
Originally posted by Tori

This has probably been answered, but I thought I saw a review of mine in the book, so I searched the page for it- and there was NO review like that on the site. But mine was similar. Did phrasing get changed every once in a while?

I think so. For example, Yukon said that they made all reviews have exactly four words: he obviously had rather low expectations of how flexible the readers would be able to be! He also said that they moved some reviews from other films.
Tori Posted - 01/11/2011 : 00:00:55
This has probably been answered, but I thought I saw a review of mine in the book, so I searched the page for it- and there was NO review like that on the site. But mine was similar. Did phrasing get changed every once in a while?

randall Posted - 10/30/2010 : 05:15:27

My friend Kevin Murphy [aka "Tom Servo" from MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000; I edited his book A YEAR AT THE MOVIES] sent me some tix to the Rifftrax live show 10/28, and in return I sent him a FWFR book. His response:

"Thanks for the book! Terseness is rarely this much fun."
Pope George Ringo Posted - 09/05/2010 : 19:58:44
Someone should update the Wikipedia page to include the book, it's publishing details, authors etc.

Yukon Posted - 09/02/2010 : 02:57:12
Originally posted by Pope George Ringo

Found a copy at Barnes and Noble today, possibly sold a 2nd copy to the guy behind the counter who said "this looks cool, I'll have to check it out". By that I assume he did not mean at the library.
Anyway, I've found 11 reviews by the Pope so far. Thank you gentlemen, I am both humbled and flattered. Looking forward to book 2. Where you can note that Pope George Ringo is a guy named Thad Leeper from San Antonio, TX who is also an honorary Mister Smarty Pants at

Hey Benj -- can you update the contributors page at Pope may not get the credit in the book, but atleast we can give him some credit on-line.
randall Posted - 09/01/2010 : 20:29:44
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by lemmycaution, Canada's own, is listing the book as not available. I have already bought several copies from them. They must have had to re-order.

By the way, Yukon, what was the press run of the print version, or is that classified?

Classified (as in they never told me).

Ask your agent.
Pope George Ringo Posted - 09/01/2010 : 03:48:40
Found a copy at Barnes and Noble today, possibly sold a 2nd copy to the guy behind the counter who said "this looks cool, I'll have to check it out". By that I assume he did not mean at the library.
Anyway, I've found 11 reviews by the Pope so far. Thank you gentlemen, I am both humbled and flattered. Looking forward to book 2. Where you can note that Pope George Ringo is a guy named Thad Leeper from San Antonio, TX who is also an honorary Mister Smarty Pants at

randall Posted - 09/01/2010 : 02:33:25
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by lemmycaution, Canada's own, is listing the book as not available. I have already bought several copies from them. They must have had to re-order.

By the way, Yukon, what was the press run of the print version, or is that classified?

Classified (as in they never told me).

My guess is 5K pure print, but less if they use POD, which would help explain the restock problem. [There is a Kindle edition.]
Yukon Posted - 08/31/2010 : 23:49:35
Originally posted by Chris C

My copy arrived on Saturday morning, just as we were leaving for the weekend. Great job, guys, it looks really good.

One small question:- What happened to the reviews for Electrocuting an Elephant on p166?

Pulled it at the last minute.
The problem was it was a part of the FWFR Theater. It's one thing to read reviews about killing an elephant. but the link shows footage of the elephant -- it's not fake, it's an elephant really being killed.
Thought about it and it just didn't seem right making jokes about this. I had visions of PETA protesting in front of Benj's house.
Yukon Posted - 08/31/2010 : 23:47:21
Originally posted by lemmycaution, Canada's own, is listing the book as not available. I have already bought several copies from them. They must have had to re-order.

By the way, Yukon, what was the press run of the print version, or is that classified?

Classified (as in they never told me).
Chris C Posted - 08/30/2010 : 21:22:58
My copy arrived on Saturday morning, just as we were leaving for the weekend. Great job, guys, it looks really good.

One small question:- What happened to the reviews for Electrocuting an Elephant on p166?
lemmycaution Posted - 08/30/2010 : 21:18:32, Canada's own, is listing the book as not available. I have already bought several copies from them. They must have had to re-order.

By the way, Yukon, what was the press run of the print version, or is that classified?

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