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 Accented letters

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Beanmimo Posted - 07/01/2011 : 02:01:59
I noticed that accented letters are coming up as a question mark in a diamond i.e. the one in Sean's name

Is this a new glitchy thing or just my own computer?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Salopian Posted - 06/04/2015 : 17:53:04
I submitted "Isa good?" for Climates, but with a Turkish dotted capital I. However, the review came through as "%u0130sa good?" so I resubmitted it and so that they knew why I'd done so gave the explanation "Already approved. The first letter should be a Turkish dotted capital I but that didn't work so a normal one will have to do." However, they must have misunderstood either my intention or the site's capacities and tried to apply the correct character, because it came through the same again. I'm therefore posting here to request that Benj or a MERP leave it as just I when I resubmit it again. Thanks.
Beanmimo Posted - 07/01/2011 : 19:20:51

Thanks to you both.
Chris C Posted - 07/01/2011 : 10:38:11
Originally posted by Se�n

It's been doing it on-and-off for a long while. It isn't your computer. I have no idea why it only does it some of the time.

BTW, the fada on my name has been displaying for me properly for a few months now.

What he said, but it's only been happening to me for the last 6-8 weeks or so. It only seems to do it on the PC at home - I don't recall seeing it on the work PC or my mobile phone. Could it be a Firefox issue? There have been some Firefox updates recently, and the problem hasn't appeared since the update was done.

Sean Posted - 07/01/2011 : 03:38:22
It's been doing it on-and-off for a long while. It isn't your computer. I have no idea why it only does it some of the time.

BTW, the fada on my name has been displaying for me properly for a few months now.

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