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 Looks Like IMDB has changed its Coding

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MguyX Posted - 11/09/2021 : 08:08:32
Many of out IMDB links are coming up with 404. Did they change their coding?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
benj clews Posted - 01/09/2022 : 14:09:19
Originally posted by MguyX

Originally posted by benj clews

This one's a bit of a bugger- due to a bug, the IMDB url has been stored incorrectly in FWFR's database. I've fixed the issue going forward but in the meantime I'll need to fix all existing films with broken links manually. Please list any and all you're aware of here and I'll get them corrected.

Thank you good sir!!

The broken link thing sounds like it's going to be Herculean, though.

I *think* I may have found a way to fix them all. But be sure to let me know if you find any that I've missed...
MguyX Posted - 01/01/2022 : 22:08:05
Originally posted by benj clews

This one's a bit of a bugger- due to a bug, the IMDB url has been stored incorrectly in FWFR's database. I've fixed the issue going forward but in the meantime I'll need to fix all existing films with broken links manually. Please list any and all you're aware of here and I'll get them corrected.

Thank you good sir!!

The broken link thing sounds like it's going to be Herculean, though.
benj clews Posted - 12/31/2021 : 14:29:15
This one's a bit of a bugger- due to a bug, the IMDB url has been stored incorrectly in FWFR's database. I've fixed the issue going forward but in the meantime I'll need to fix all existing films with broken links manually. Please list any and all you're aware of here and I'll get them corrected.
TitanPa Posted - 12/14/2021 : 02:33:09
I did add Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers
TitanPa Posted - 12/14/2021 : 02:30:27
Every now and then I can add a film. If it�s an old film it works. The newer ones don�t
MguyX Posted - 12/10/2021 : 22:10:38
Agreed, demonic: I can't add new films either.
demonic Posted - 11/11/2021 : 01:26:53
I'm sure it'll be a related issue but attempting to add a new film to the site just now didn't work.
MguyX Posted - 11/10/2021 : 06:07:24
Originally posted by vandoocaution

Hadn't noticed but I have not been been very active lately. Another grandson arrived on Nov.2.

lemmycaution Posted - 11/10/2021 : 00:04:44
Hadn't noticed but I have not been been very active lately. Another grandson arrived on Nov.2.

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