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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TitanPa Posted - 02/05/2013 : 16:46:52
i was just wondering if there is a possible way to view all movies with no cast? I stumbled upon a movie titled Scribble. It had no writers or cast. I clicked on it because that was weird and it might have been an indication that it wasnt really a movie. I discovered it wasnt really a movie because its IMDB link was missing. Is it possible to view movies with no cast to investigate them further. It's understandable that some documentaries and movies in the 1900's dont have a cast list. But if movies like Scribble can be erased from this site it would be better.

edit: It also gives investigators a chance to update the film if a cast has been added after adding it to this site, which I have done for a few films now. I have been searching film by years. This has helped some....but would be better if they can be viewed as one big clump of non casted movies.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TitanPa Posted - 11/18/2023 : 21:13:23
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by TitanPa
$quid: The Movie - - missing IMDB link.

There's an IMDB link for this but no film on the other end. Also couldn't find the film on IMDB. Maybe one for removal?

That�s how they all are now
TitanPa Posted - 11/18/2023 : 21:00:44
I completed the whole list again. I cleaned up the Alphabetic list. I took off all the unconfirmed movies and the movies that had already been merged and cleaned up. I added all the repeated movies to the Repeated Movies thread. So the only thing that remains in this alphabet thread are movies with missing IMDB links. Glad I could be of help Benj. I�ll come back to this list again in a few years. Lol
benj clews Posted - 07/07/2023 : 15:36:28
Think these are all sorted now. It was mostly a case of removing the films as they just disappeared which has sadly meant some reviews being lost. Where films are unconfirmed I've left them for now
benj clews Posted - 07/07/2023 : 14:29:20
Originally posted by TitanPaAnd all these 404 Error Films - - Not even movies....LOL

benj clews Posted - 07/07/2023 : 14:25:19
Originally posted by TitanPa
2by4 - and - They are the same movie according to the IMDB links

benj clews Posted - 07/07/2023 : 14:21:44
Originally posted by TitanPa
2040 - and - They are the same movie according to the IMDB links

benj clews Posted - 07/07/2023 : 14:18:59
Originally posted by TitanPa
$quid: The Movie - - missing IMDB link.

There's an IMDB link for this but no film on the other end. Also couldn't find the film on IMDB. Maybe one for removal?
TitanPa Posted - 06/13/2023 : 02:34:23
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by TitanPA

i was just wondering if there is a possible way to view all movies with no cast?

Not until just now. I've cobbled something together for you...

I noticed that after going through the list again that it is just giving me titles with numbers in the title. I stumbled over this movie the other day. Meaning there are still movies out there with no cast list. Could you possibly cobble another link for me? I seem to remember that i went though an A to Z list. Thanks!

Edit: after mentioning the movie Candy Land I noticed it was already mentioned in the C catagory already.
TitanPa Posted - 05/13/2023 : 21:20:25
I forgot about this thread. I think it's time for another house cleaning.

$quid: The Movie - - missing IMDB link.

(Edit: rest of the movies are in the alphabetical list)
Salopian Posted - 05/04/2013 : 19:26:04
Originally posted by TitanPA

P.S. Also discovered that the reviewer The Monster may be the one adding non confirmed movies

No, calmer is the one who adds the overwhelming majority of every category of film.
TitanPa Posted - 04/20/2013 : 23:57:54
Thanx guys. Didnt know everyone was keepin tabs on this. Hope my research does some good. Only took 2 months. lol
lemmycaution Posted - 04/20/2013 : 23:52:11
A fine job. I hope that the site can get cleaned up soon to reflect your research.
demonic Posted - 04/20/2013 : 22:32:44
Fantastic work, well done.
Larry Posted - 04/20/2013 : 21:15:32

Great work! Thank you for doing this.
TitanPa Posted - 04/20/2013 : 20:04:21
Well thats it. Finally got to the end of the list. Evrything stands. Every few months I will go through the list. New movies will be added and taken away and cast lists will be updated. Guess I found my new role. Hopefully next time it wont take as long.

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