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 Avatar Contest #500 - 500

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lemmycaution Posted - 12/19/2013 : 05:06:44
Well, we can all get creative (and celebratory) around "500" can't we?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Improper Username Posted - 01/03/2014 : 01:21:29
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

500 down, 20 to go. I think we'll be putting a lid on the Av Contest after 10 years at #520. Let's enjoy these last few months! ...

This week: 17 entrants and 15 voters.

Thanks for the votes, friends! Thank you, Avatyrant. Congrats, Benj!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/02/2014 : 17:38:42
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I think we'll be putting a lid on the Av Contest after 10 years at #520.

Having read the previous thread, given that the idea is to reach ten years rather than a pretty number, I was going to say that perhaps it should be 522. However, this longer round would make it 521 and I don't know if there have been others like this. I tried to find the first contest to check the date, but didn't manage to. Anyway, whenever the last contest is, I promise to enter it if reminded.
17 entrants was great, most since the 16 we had for #400!

So in fact the most since sometime before that then.

It looks like contest #1 Muppets was started on June 7, 2004, so we may need to run to #522 or #523 to hit a full 10 years.

I think to top 17 entrants we'd have to go back to #200 when we had ... 30 (the all-time record)!
Salopian Posted - 01/02/2014 : 15:19:15
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I think we'll be putting a lid on the Av Contest after 10 years at #520.

Having read the previous thread, given that the idea is to reach ten years rather than a pretty number, I was going to say that perhaps it should be 522. However, this longer round would make it 521 and I don't know if there have been others like this. I tried to find the first contest to check the date, but didn't manage to. Anyway, whenever the last contest is, I promise to enter it if reminded.
17 entrants was great, most since the 16 we had for #400!

So in fact the most since sometime before that then.
benj clews Posted - 01/02/2014 : 13:38:31
Wow, thanks all- was not expecting that!

Hard to be too celebratory upon hearing the competition's nearing it's final lap however
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/02/2014 : 12:58:51
500 down, 20 to go. I think we'll be putting a lid on the Av Contest after 10 years at #520. Let's enjoy these last few months! ...

This week: 17 entrants and 15 voters.

In third place, with 12 points (23223) ...

Sanda Claus? ...

Chris C !!

In second place, with 14 points (2132213) ...

The err to the throne ...

duh Improper Username !!

And in first place, with 22 points (233332213) ...

An Av with abs ...

benj clews !!!

Benj grabs his third win!

17 entrants was great, most since the 16 we had for #400!

ChocolateLady Posted - 01/02/2014 : 06:25:07
I thought about 500 times before sending in my votes.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/02/2014 : 00:21:57
I'll give it until morning. Several voters missing.

You have 500 minutes.
TitanPa Posted - 01/01/2014 : 18:23:29
Shot my votes in

bife Posted - 01/01/2014 : 09:11:01
sorry i missed it, sent in my lurker votes anyway
Improper Username Posted - 01/01/2014 : 04:30:08
I edited my .htaccess file to redirect all 500 internal server errors to Cheese Ed along with my votes.
Larry Posted - 12/31/2013 : 21:40:37

I voted Soo good.
Sean Posted - 12/31/2013 : 20:28:51
Went "Harrnnk harrrnnk!", voted, then floored it.
lemmycaution Posted - 12/31/2013 : 20:02:22
Voted in D contest.

Great to see so many old friends. Hope to see more of you in the future.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/31/2013 : 15:31:47
500? No contest!

MguyX Posted - 12/31/2013 : 14:46:27
I voted 500 times!

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