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 Avatar Contest #498 - Cancer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 12/05/2013 : 21:04:06

Sorry to be a party pooper with this fun topic. Anyway, this topic has reared its ugly head a few too many times in my life (not me directly, others) over the last few years, and it just did again an hour ago. Someone I know very well has just had her second melanoma removed, fortunately it was found early and is shallow so the prognosis is good, she'll have more skin/flesh cut out next month but no further treatement is expected.

Anyway, here's a big "fuck you" to cancer, fuck off and die!!!

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TitanPa Posted - 12/12/2013 : 17:29:02
Wow thank you for the votes. This win is actually bitter sweet. I get to choose the last topic before we celebrate 500. It usually is hard to get 2 wins in a row, though some of you make it seem easy. Topic to come soon.

Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/12/2013 : 14:38:40
I've got to find a cure for all this work travel I've been doing. Sorry I'm late.

In 3rd place with 5 pts each

Cheese and Bafta!

In 2nd place with 6 pts


In 1st place with 7 pts


No time for a smoke break, we need a new theme!
TitanPa Posted - 12/12/2013 : 02:06:16
Sorry so late. Voted

lemmycaution Posted - 12/11/2013 : 15:52:48
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/11/2013 : 15:42:17
Cured myself; voted.

TitanPa Posted - 12/09/2013 : 19:08:49
I don't know why everyone complains about Cancer. I wouldn't mind living in Cancer (Topic of Cancer).

I goes through Mexico, The Keys, The Bahamas, etc...
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/06/2013 : 15:39:12
Here's a stash of cheesy 'staches just a week after the end of Movember.
BaftaBaby Posted - 12/06/2013 : 10:54:42
The truth about cancer --- well, one kind anyway ... take a breath of fresh air

PS Sean - good thoughts for your friend; she's lucky to have you on her side.

MguyX Posted - 12/06/2013 : 05:49:52
No apologies necessary Sean! Cancer sucks! I don't know why ANYONE has to be born between June 22 and July 22. Can't they just wait?!?!
lemmycaution Posted - 12/05/2013 : 21:20:18
Terry Fox, cancer fighter.

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