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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beanmimo Posted - 03/20/2007 : 15:21:29
Hey all,

any thoughts on what should go here. I just hate to see this space go to waste.

Even if it meant putting jargling or The Game That will Never Die or something else from "Other" below.

Any thoughts??


9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Beanmimo Posted - 07/31/2009 : 14:29:40

Let's give this another shot. Let's, let's...

starting with redpens list.

Charlie Chaplin

Timeless Tramp maddens McCarthy.

Beanmimo Posted - 04/27/2007 : 09:45:43
Vin Diesel: Bar somewhere missing bouncer.


ChocolateLady Posted - 04/27/2007 : 08:10:19
Originally posted by redPen

Afterthought: Maybe, as other contests, we should post one star, and compete to describe that individual. Sorry if I didn't understand that you meant that originally.

This isn't a contest or anything - just a bit of fun, so there are no rules. Your list was great. I hope others join in.
redPen Posted - 04/27/2007 : 07:55:09
Afterthought: Maybe, as other contests, we should post one star, and compete to describe that individual. Sorry if I didn't understand that you meant that originally.
redPen Posted - 04/27/2007 : 07:43:37
Do I understand youse dudes? We're posting four-word reviews for the stars themselves? Assuming that's the thing, here're some things:

Charlie Chaplin: Genius silent tramp triumphs.
Cameron Diaz: Nice eyes, nothing else.
Kevin Costner: Bold blockbuster king fades.
Brad Pitt: Punk hunk delivers junk.
Ashton Kutcher: Hollywood lowers standards immeasurably!
James Cagney: Toughest gangster, bar none.
Charlize Theron: South African diamond shines!
Jamie Foxx: Rare Hollywood asset: Talent!
Kevin Spacey: Seemingly endless character palette.
Vin Diesel: Bar somewhere missing bouncer.

Perhaps someday we'll try a four-star word review!!!!!!!!!
Beanmimo Posted - 03/21/2007 : 13:39:27
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Something Benj said regarding the = sign made me think, perhaps we could make this into a

Four Word FilmSTAR Review thread!

I was thinking exactly the same thing myself, go and buy yourself a mug of hot chocolate for getting here first!!!!!!!!!!!

Jimmy Stewart
Htich twists stammering Smith
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/21/2007 : 11:33:07
Something Benj said regarding the = sign made me think, perhaps we could make this into a

Four Word FilmSTAR Review thread!

Benj's first entry would be: Tom Cruise: Smarmy get!

I'll add:

Mel Gibson's from PeeKKKsKKKill
Beanmimo Posted - 03/21/2007 : 11:30:48
Originally posted by duh

You'll never get me to go to bed with you, you silver tongued devil!

Damn and you had your slippers off an' all.

duh Posted - 03/21/2007 : 11:10:52
You'll never get me to go to bed with you, you silver tongued devil!

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