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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Salopian Posted - 07/03/2017 : 20:33:18
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round: you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it: sooner is better than later.
Provide spoiler warnings in your post when appropriate.
Read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday at noon or later, F.W.F.R. time.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
[matt] Posted - 07/11/2017 : 06:23:24

Great, cheers dude.
demonic Posted - 07/10/2017 : 17:18:38
Thanks for the 5s guys.

Did my VVs, and found some extras for [matt] - I got all of his last round.
Salopian Posted - 07/10/2017 : 16:30:17
Originally posted by Europian

One film shows the La Paz custom of burying a drunk homeless person alive in the foundations of a building to bring the construction good luck.

Spoiler for Rogue One (here and more vaguely in the review): the protagonist's mum dies when she is a little girl. The colon is only for juxtaposition; it's not meant to equal equals.

Check out lemmy's review first for Cars 3. I am punning on a phrase/film that I think he is not.

Just in case this piece of slang is not known to you...
lemmycaution Posted - 07/10/2017 : 07:38:00
[matt] Posted - 07/10/2017 : 06:30:47

5/5 for demonic from me too.
Salopian Posted - 07/07/2017 : 16:48:36
Originally posted by demonic

Recent animated features

demonic Posted - 07/07/2017 : 08:45:31
Recent animated features

Maroon is a shade of red.
French animation "Long Way North" tells the story of a Russian girl attempting to find out what happened to her grandfather's voyage to the North Pole.
"Banger" is British slang for a sausage. "To bang" is slang for having sex.
After the accidental death of his mother a boy called Courgette moves into an orphanage.
lemmycaution Posted - 07/06/2017 : 14:54:25
Lemmy in for #1211

A very young Rita Hayworth is a softball catcher in Girls Can Play.

Godard's La Chinoise is seen as rather prophetic given the Parisian student uprising a year after its release.

Between Strangers--this film, directed by her son, features a very unglamorous Sophia Loren.
rockfsh Posted - 07/06/2017 : 13:17:26
THE HUNTING OF THE SNARK - Can this mythical creature be found?
A FLUSH OF HEARTS - Gambler, Ace, owes a loan shark
MY HUSBAND'S A WEREWOLF - Self explanatory
SPLIT- multiple personality disorder
THE MIDWIFE- Claire is a midwife
[matt] Posted - 07/06/2017 : 07:46:48

Nice one
Salopian Posted - 07/05/2017 : 09:17:55
Originally posted by [matt]

I just looked at your most recent reviews and it was pretty clear from your explanations which ones they were.

Thanks for taking the trouble to look. If anyone else ever votes after I've changed them, the most recent five with votes are most often my selection from the last round. (When I have to put some old ones in there, it doesn't matter if they're missed.)
I haven't got any more new ones so I'll just wait to change them for now.

I'll take a look at some of your other reviews when I vote then.
[matt] Posted - 07/05/2017 : 00:02:01

I just looked at your most recent reviews and it was pretty clear from your explanations which ones they were.

I haven't got any more new ones so I'll just wait to change them for now.
Salopian Posted - 07/04/2017 : 11:25:47
Originally posted by [matt]

I pretty much missed the last round so entering again.

I got you there, I think you got me somehow even though I had changed my reviews and I don't think the others will have changed theirs yet, so you can probably put a new batch in here if you want to, once they've seen you there.
Salopian Posted - 07/04/2017 : 11:25:20
One film shows the La Paz custom of burying a drunk homeless person alive in the foundations of a building to bring the construction good luck.

Spoiler for Rogue One (here and more vaguely in the review): the protagonist's mum dies when she is a little girl. The colon is only for juxtaposition; it's not meant to equal equals.

Check out lemmy's review first for Cars 3. I am punning on a phrase/film that I think he is not.
[matt] Posted - 07/04/2017 : 06:01:48

I pretty much missed the last round so entering again.

The reboot of Baywatch stars Zac Efron.
Chris Pratt is the lead in Guardians of the Galaxy.
My Cousin Rachel follows the aftermath of her husband's mysterious death.
The Last Laugh is a documentary exploring whether humour about the Holocaust is ever acceptable.

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